
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

white coral

concept +styling + photo : dietlind wolf

the first pic of a sequence i started  during my workshop at hive conference in berlin.
it was so amazing, i have had a greatest audiance one can imagine, 
interested and alert, i am still impressed 
as i promised the story will be continued .


  1. Thank you Dietlind for the inspiring workshop! I am very curious about the sequence! Have a good week! All the best from the Netherlands.

  2. Hi Dietlind,
    The workshop you gave was about so much more then "only" about styling! It was very nice of you to share so much with us: Thank you!
    I'm looking forward to this sequence :-)

    Iris | C-More | the Netherlands

  3. Thank you again for a great workshop and the inspiration!

  4. Also from me - a big thank you! Your knowledge, experience, personality and honesty made it inspiring in so many ways. I hope we will meet again!

  5. The pleasure was all on our side! Thank you so much for this amazing workshop! The room was totally filled by your unique creative spirit! Love your work. It's just soooo incredible! And btw on monday I started straight away with the morning pages...;-) very best wishes from heidelberg...

  6. Hi Dietlind, your workshop was definitely my highlight of The Hive. I'm so impressed of what you are doing, your pictures have inspired me for so long and meeting you and seeing you interact with your props and stuff was simply amazing. Thank you!

  7. Oh, it was just SO much fun to watch you in action, Dietlind. We were all in awe. Thank you so very much for serving as such a huge inspiration for so many of us. Holly

  8. Liebe Diethild, ich hätte Dir noch Stunden zuhören kö war ganz wunderbar inspirierend! Vielen Dank dafür und ich hoffe sehr, to see and meet you again.
    Liebe Grüße, Anette

  9. Liebe Dietlind, es war eine Freude an Deinem Workshop teilzunehmen! Vielen Dank für die Denkanstöße, die Inspiration, ich hoffe auf den Workshop in Süddeutschland :)
    Viele Grüße

  10. Es war echt so schön dich kennenzulernen und deinen tollen Workshop zu besuchen. Alles Liebe und weiterhin viel Inspiration! Anne

  11. Precioso! Lleno de inspiración y bonitos detalles.

    te invito a pasar por mi blog si te gusta la decoración marroquí

  12. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration, both through your blog and in person! It was really nice meeting you and being in your workshop!!

  13. Hello Dietlind, your workshop at The Hive was so wonderful. Thank you so much for everything you shared. Lauren xx

  14. What I learned and heard from you at your workshop has been lingering in my mind for the past weeks. I loved hearing about your creative history and I adored seeing you at work (even if I had to watch from another room while standing on a chair!). Many thanks for sharing your world with us and all the inspiration you passed along.
